Sunday, March 30, 2008

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code

After Artemis is tricked out of his newly built "C-Cube", the whole fairy population is threatened. Big surprise huh. So, once again, Artemis and Holly team up to protect the people from discovery by the not-so-nice Jon Spiro. For with the C-Cube, Mr. Spiro could easily find and possibly exploit the People. The thing is, he can't get into it because of Artemis's Eternity code. Can't get into it yet that is. So, will Mr. Spiro discover the People?! That's for you to find out.
As the third book in the famous Artemis Fowl series, this is one awesome book. I've herd from a vary reliable source that the final book in this series, The Lost Colony, is the best one. Well, if that is true that this is a close second. I personally have read all but the last Artemis Fowl books and I can honestly say that this one is the best so far. With tons of action and reading-on-the-edge-of-your-seat parts, I would definitely recommend this book.

The Trojan Book Master


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