Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce

As a young girl named Daine, asks Onua Chamtong for a job, a new life begins for her. As she travels with the trader, they are attacked by stormwings, a race of immortals or creatures that can't die unless they are killed. Daine discovers that she possesses wild magic. After a famous magician, Numair Salmalin, explains these things to Daine, a life of adventure begins.

This is an excellent book that I would recommend to anyone who has a love for magic. Now, for any guys who read this, don't shy away from this book just because the main character is a girl. I'm a guy and I read the whole series! Any way, it is filled with action and mystery. After reading this, if you like it of course, you should read the rest of the series. The series is called the Immortals. Well, until next time.

The Trojan Book Master

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